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Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing this order indicates that I understand the following:

In the United States, sensors for Continuous Glucose Monitors are considered medical devices requiring a prescription. mygotodoc provides free prescriptions for continuous glucose monitors, but the device itself is not covered in the program. I may need to pay out of pocket or check my insurance eligibility for coverage.  

mygotodoc offers free ordering and interpretation of recommended labs, but the cost of the lab tests I choose is not included in the program. I will need to confirm insurance eligibility or pay for them out of pocket.

mygotodoc provides free prescriptions for the medication(s) if my labwork indicates the need. However, the cost of the medication at the pharmacy is not covered in the program. I will need to check my insurance eligibility or pay for them out of pocket.

  • Today's payment
  • Lean Vitality Complete$199
  • Future payments
  • $199

All prices in USD